Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Actions And Consequences

God is a genius. He doesn't punish sin. The natural consequences of our actions, whether directly or indirectly, is our punishment. For example: A husband commits adultery where the wife has proof that she uses in court to divorce him. He loses his marriage, destroys her life, his kids' lives, takes a huge financial hit. If she's married it will destroy her marriage, her kids' lives. God doesn't need to punish in that situation. The natural consequences of their actions serves as the punishment.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cleaning The Wound

All of us have experienced past emotional hurts, but victims of abuse are presented with the toughest challenge on their road to recovery. Oftentimes, they only partially heal, or don't heal at all, because they don't properly treat the wound.

Because of the guilt and shame involved in all kinds of abuse, they'll only share most of their experiences, most of their thoughts and feelings with their counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, parents, or friends. After all, not only did they have to endure the humiliation of the abuse itself, now they have to endure the humiliation of asking for help, and the humiliation of sharing their experiences with someone to help them get over it. For victims of abuse, telling 99% of the truth is their way of exerting some power over what happened to them. To tell 100% of the truth of what happened in the past and how they feel about it means to be 100% vulnerable, and most of us don't like to be 1% vulnerable, nevermind 100%.

But they have to be in order to successfully treat their wound. Doctors and nurses will tell you that even if a wound is 99% clean, the 1% that's still infected can grow and reinfect the rest of the wound.

The Enemy wants us to feel that shame, that guilt, so we will hold onto that 1% of out past hurts. The Enemy knows, over time, that 1% will spread and begin infecting other areas of our lives. Those with past hurts need to seek out help and be 100% open and honest about what caused the wound, and their thoughts about what happened. It's the only way to be 100% healed.

A Simple Test

Sometimes we'll meet someone who we're interest in dating. Maybe we even start dating them but, after a period of time, they begin to act in ways we dislike. They become too possessive, too distant, too suspicious of you, you too suspicious of them. This proves not to be just an isolated incident, but a pattern of behavior.

Because they're otherwise good people, their good points outweighing the bad behaviors that are causing us to be cautious, we become confused. Should we start, or stay, in the relationship?

There's an easy way to know. What if your son or daughter came to you and explained a similar story to you? As a parent, would you let your son or daughter date that person? If not, you don't need to be dating them either.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Game Of Life

Life is a gift given to us by our Creator. Like all gifts, we can do with it as we please. If we regrettably choose to waste it, unfortunately, that's our decision.

For those who choose to appreciate it and make the most of it, we can't show our gratitude by trying to give back to our Creator. After all, He's the owner of everything. It would be like trying to give Donald Trump a hundred dollars as a thank-you for the million he just gave you. Trump, instead, would want you to give that hundred to someone who truly needed it.

If we want to show our Creator appreciation for our lives, He asks us to appreciate other people. The best way to say thank you for our gift is not thanking Him, but by being the very best friend, spouse, sibling, employee, stranger-on-the-street you can be. And, by helping those in need, especially children.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Two Of A Kind"

People who have yet to meet "The One" often grow impatient. They don't believe there truly is a "one true love" out there just for them. So, they settle for second place, the silver medal, the runner up. Being with the wrong person is better than being alone.

In the Bible, God created Adam and Eve. Before He flooded the earth, He told Noah to take two of each animal aboard the Ark to restart animal life, as Noah and his family restarted human life.

It's all pairs.

If you exist, then a person just like you - the person for you - exists, too. Somebody has been made just for you, and you for them. It's all pairs.

Your soulmate is on their way right now. So, wait expectantly; wait hopefully. Most of all, wait patiently.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Rooms Available

Your life is like a hotel. There's only so many rooms you can rent. If you keep people in your life who are wrong for you, there's no room for the people who are right. The ones around you who are negative, dishonest or unreliable, or who have already served their purpose but you're just afraid to let them go, it's time to check them out, turn on the "vacancy" sign, and wait for the right people to check in.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Can't Buy Me Love"

I have a female friend who recently told me her list of attributes for her ideal man: "He will adore me, love me, pay me a lot of attention...essentially baby me." Most women have a similar list (as it's dispersed at the weekly Sisterhood meeting.) While it sounds nice and romantic on paper, this is exactly not what to look for in a man.

You may love a man who worships the ground you walk on, but it means one of two things: they're a loser or they're controlling. Either way, they see you as object not as a person. If they're a loser, they bow before you like you're an idol of an ancient god. If they're controlling, you're just a trophy, arm candy.

The worse of the two, of course, is the controlling man. This is why so many women find themselves in bad relationships. These men are usually wonderful in the beginning - incredibly sweet, thoughtful, focused solely on you. "Oh, I've just met him and he's already bought me flowers!" "Oh, he sent me an e mail telling me he hopes I have a wonderful day and I only met him over the weekend!" "I've known him for three weeks and we always eat at the best restaurants and he pays!" "He wrote me a love poem, a guy I've known for a week!" "He bought me jewelry and we're not even at the third date yet!"

If you meet a man like this - run.

The man is buying your affection with either money or flattery. When you're finally sold, he'll expect a return on his investment. That means you becoming who he wants you to be - your appearance, who you can and can't talk to. Pretty soon you'll be wondering what happened to the ultra-, uber-, super-sweet guy who was bending over backwards to impress you, and how you fell for it in the first place.

What you should want is respect and trustworthiness. Respect is sitting across from you at a table, having coffee, and being genuinely interested in what you have to say, how you feel and what you think. Trustworthiness is the person coming through when it really matters, in a way that really matters. Which would mean more to you? A dinner in an expensive restaurant only to impress you, or you being exhausted after work, dreading having to go home and cook supper, and he calls and says he's cooked supper for you at his place, or he's on his way over with your favorite take-out?

A guy who may call an hour later than he said he would, or show up a few minutes late for a date, but always holds the door open for you; calls to ask how your appointment or meeting went; there for you when you just want someone to listen; that's who you want to be with.

It's not flashy. It's not bouquets of flowers and love poems. It's a real person, faults and all, trying to get to know you. Not someone trying to get you.